Our 5 Favorite Disney Movies

Me and my sister started this blog and we thought a good way to begin was with a post about our top 5 favorite Disney movies of all time! 🙂 Okay, so I’ll go first (These are NOT in order, by the way!).

#5: Peter Pan

Faith, trust, and Pixie Dust. Peter Pan is the ultimate fun-loving character that EVERY kid would love to meet. He just minds his own business playing his little ocarina, foiling Captain Hook, and making an occasional flight to the second star to the right (that rhymed!) for a bedtime story.

Favorite character: Peter Pan

#4: Treasure Planet

Okay, so I’ve just recently seen this movie, but wow. It just makes you want to go on an adventure! You know? The high-risk journey to a planet with “the loot of a thousand worlds” …the intense pirate sword fights…and, well, I won’t give too much away.

Favorite character: Long John Silver

#3: Monsters Inc.

I don’t even think movies like this need to have an explanation. I mean, c’mon. Look at that face!:

Favorite Character: This one’s hard. Sulley/Boo

#2: A Bug’s Life 

I have a question:

Favorite Character: Flick

#1: The Lion King

For one, Scar is (and always has been) my favorite Disney villain. Second, HAKUNA MATATAAAA!!!

Favorite Character: Mufasa

NOW…for my sister’s picks:

#5: Monster’s Inc. 

Favorite Character: Boo

#4: Wreck-It Ralph

Favorite Character: Vanellope

#3: Finding Nemo 

Favorite Character: Dory

#2: Toy Story(‘s)

Favorite Character: Jessie

#1:The Lion King

Favorite Character: Simba

Again, it was VERY difficult to narrow down just 5 movies, more difficult than you can IMAGINE, but, here ya go!

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