Feeling down?

Hi there! Feeling down? If so, prepare for some (totally AWESOME!) Kick Buttowski advice.

There you have it. And now for some (even totally AWESOM-ER–if that’s possible) Kick Buttowski GIFs, not made by us here at Disneysplosion, but added courtesy of my co-blogger:


Learn From Vanellope: We’re All Glitches!

The definition of “Glitch” is:

  1. A sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment: “a computer glitch”.
  2. An unexpected setback in a plan; a hitch, a snag.

Since Vanellope is, after all, a video game character, it was possible for her to be a literal “glitch”. However, for us, it’s metaphor time. Imagine that the ‘equipment’ in question is the entire human race. Now imagine that the ‘irregularity’ is one specific person out of that piece of equipment. (You following me?) If not, what I’m trying to say is this: every one person is different. NO two are alike! (Like Snowflakes, but let’s stick with the “glitch” idea for now, ok?) It’s the poetic truth that no one is perfect, or can ever dream to be. That being said, WE’RE ALL GLITCHES!!! Let us find our similarities from the cast of Wreck-It Ralph, shall we?……

Wreck-It Ralph, Fix-It Felix Jr.

We all get a little angry sometimes, right? Not destroy-an-entire-building angry, but when you’re 9 feet tall & weight 642 lbs., well…..

Vanellope von Schweetz, Sugar Rush

Sometimes we can be pests. Whether we mean to or not.

Ralph, Fix-It Felix Jr.

Everyone gets down in the dumps, just like Ralph! And to that, Zangeif has some advice on how to get back with the program: 

Fix-It Felix Jr., Fix-It Felix Jr.

Even the Hero can get upset on occasions. Felix is no exception (contrary to what the NiceLanders may think).

Vanellope, Sugar Rush

Ralph, Fix-It Felix Jr.

Getting scared is inevitable. ESPECIALLY when you’re being attacked by probably about a million GAZILLION Cy-Bugs. [Shudders]. (Also, learning to drive could be pretty frightening.)

See? Embrace your “glitchy-ness”! You just might become President. 

Learn From Vanellope: Dream Big!

Vanellope von Schweetz, everybody! She’s got that “get-up-and-go” sort of attitude about her, and it’s PERFECT! I mean, this girl knows what she wants, and she’s not gonna let ANYONE (not even a Stinkbrain) get in the way of her and her dream. She wants to race, and she’s planning on making it happen. So, let us learn a few things about dreams from this candy-coated pile of cuteness, shall we?…

Fulfilling your dreams takes a lot of hard work, so sometimes, you just need to sit back and lounge on the Candy Cane Tree branches (Only, not the double-striped ones):

Then you get your “Sweet mother of monkey milk: a COIN!” moment, and your dream starts to come into full-focus. And a little jig is in order:

Sure, there’ll be times like this, when you need reassuring: 

And you’ll have to learn to never look back.

You’ll need a lot of practice…

and practice…

You might glitch.

But that’s okay. After all, you’ve just got Pixlexia, okay?

In the end, you could be a REAL racer! Or, President! (Or both, if you’re ambitious enough.)

But you can do it, just like Vanellope did.

You go girl! 🙂


I really like the movie “Tangled”. It’s one of those movies that you never knew was missing. So, here is my “Ode To Tangled”.

So, Rapunzel is trapped in a tower. Duh. But, she finds a plethora (word of the day :D) of things to keep herself busy! (Including playing hide & seek with a Chameleon. Geesh!) Here:


She dreams of leaving her tower, and someday seeing the “floating lights” that the King & Queen set off every year “consequently” on her birthday. (A bit of back-story for you: The King & Queen’s daughter went missing when she was a little girl. A baby, actually. There’s a long shebang in the beginning of the movie, but I’ve left that out because I’m focused on the majority of the movie, where she’s older.)

Much to her despair, Mother Gothel won’t let her leave. (This is because, under poor Rapunzel’s nose, she wants to keep the girl locked up so she can use the magic healing power of her hair to keep her young.)

Blah blah blah..

Then Flynn Rider comes along and climbs up Rapunzel’s tower. (NOT by her hair. That’s a twist.) Due to Mother Gothel telling Rapunzel stories growing up about how horrible human beings are, you can imagine her reaction. (Or…maybe not.)

He brings her outside to the real world, and though a bit nervous at first…

and with a trifle of guilt…

…they make for the floating lights! However, there was a detour that lead to a cheerful musical number:

Well…not for Flynn. Now, before the whole tune began, a few of the thugs sent for men to come arrest Flynn (because he’s a thief, and all.) So now that the thugs have had a change in heart, the Hook-Handed Thug decides to show them a secret passageway to escape in the diner. Their freedom is short-lived, because Maximus (a horse working for the police) sniffs out the tunnel. Poo. The tunnel leads to a dam, over which Rapunzel swings, with Flynn lassoed in her locks. They run and hide in a cave, which begins filling up with water. As it seems they have no escape, Flynn admits that his real name is Eugene, and Rapunzel admits she has magical hair that glows. They use the glow of her hair to get out of the cave, and have some bonding time once this happens. Rapunzel tells Flynn Eugene her back-story. He says he was an orphan who became a thief and changed his name to a character’s in a book. Blah blah blah, he gets firewood, and Mother Gothel tries to make Rapunzel come back to the tower when the lady comes out of literally NOWHERE! She says no, but Eugene’s feelings for her are doubted. Blah, blabbity blah…. They go into town and Flynn finds a way to tame Rapunzel’s ‘do so they can get around easier.

^ Eh, eh? (These girls look like braiding WIZ’S themselves. I mean, check out their hair!! Crazy.) Any who! After a long and hard journey (especially for walking barefoot all day), Rapunzel FINALLY has her dream come true.

450,000 lanterns, man! Beautiful. Then, she gets a little bummed. She says something like, “I’ve been dreaming about this my whole life, so now what?” And then, he says something along the lines of, “Well that’s the best part about dreaming. When you fulfill one, you get to make a new one.” And then it gets all icky and mushy and they nearly kiss.

When Flynn Eugene brought her back to her tower, Mother Gothel tries to get her in shackles, and tells Eugene to get out. He stays by Rapunzel’s side. He’d gotten a nasty gash, so her last wish was to heal him. He looked as if he were going to give her a last kiss, but then BAM! (Warning: Spoilers ahead!!)

s ”

Cool, she’s free. Only, Rapunzel didn’t get a chance to heal Eugene before he cut her hair. So she desperately sings the song, to no avail. She then cries and says, “You were my new dream.” Then, he whispers to her, “And you’re mine.”

Eventually, Mother Gothel’s age catches up with her.

And Rapunzel is reunited with her parents…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, love prevails.


Our 5 Favorite Disney Movies

Me and my sister started this blog and we thought a good way to begin was with a post about our top 5 favorite Disney movies of all time! 🙂 Okay, so I’ll go first (These are NOT in order, by the way!).

#5: Peter Pan

Faith, trust, and Pixie Dust. Peter Pan is the ultimate fun-loving character that EVERY kid would love to meet. He just minds his own business playing his little ocarina, foiling Captain Hook, and making an occasional flight to the second star to the right (that rhymed!) for a bedtime story.

Favorite character: Peter Pan

#4: Treasure Planet

Okay, so I’ve just recently seen this movie, but wow. It just makes you want to go on an adventure! You know? The high-risk journey to a planet with “the loot of a thousand worlds” …the intense pirate sword fights…and, well, I won’t give too much away.

Favorite character: Long John Silver

#3: Monsters Inc.

I don’t even think movies like this need to have an explanation. I mean, c’mon. Look at that face!:

Favorite Character: This one’s hard. Sulley/Boo

#2: A Bug’s Life 

I have a question:

Favorite Character: Flick

#1: The Lion King

For one, Scar is (and always has been) my favorite Disney villain. Second, HAKUNA MATATAAAA!!!

Favorite Character: Mufasa

NOW…for my sister’s picks:

#5: Monster’s Inc. 

Favorite Character: Boo

#4: Wreck-It Ralph

Favorite Character: Vanellope

#3: Finding Nemo 

Favorite Character: Dory

#2: Toy Story(‘s)

Favorite Character: Jessie

#1:The Lion King

Favorite Character: Simba

Again, it was VERY difficult to narrow down just 5 movies, more difficult than you can IMAGINE, but, here ya go!

Everyone Forgets Atlantis!

It’s a simple fact: it’s true! I’ve been reading this other Disney blog, (To give credit where credit is due–“ohmydisney.com“) and they talked about Disney romances an this and that; leaving out Atlantis. I mean, that’s the best kind. In fact, I wouldn’t even be calling it a “romance” if it wasn’t for the dude with gray hair holding Milo back and saying “Hold your horses, lover boy.” Milo & Kida were just, like, best of friends. You know, scratch that (romance). Especially since they didn’t kiss or do anything mushy. EW! GROSS! Here’s some GIFs and photos of Milo & Kida (Btw, this movie may or may not become one of my top 5):

OK, this one is Milo & his grandpa, not Kida. But come on; family comes before friends. Always! 🙂